December 20, 2013


Very proud to have finished the stool I was working on for 8 evenings with the help of him. Hope I won't forget the techniques I've learned! Beautiful vegetables: sprouts & romanesco.

December 18, 2013

apple blossom

I found this handwork last week & put it in a nice frame. It's for my mother. It reminds me of our orchard in Asch(2nd photo). 
It also reminds me of a song by Esperanza Spalding & Milton Nascimento. There will be a concert in March, can't wait.. This is my favorite song, written by Stevie Wonder. The apple is a gift from my daughter Isa. 

December 10, 2013

untidy man

I was making these arms and foot of porcelain and found out that Alexander Calder wrote this funny rhyme. The drawing are lovely, very simple, which I like. It is such a nice book, witty too. 

December 03, 2013


 Flowers at the botanical garden in Paris, small watercolorpainting & a little car that used to be my dad's. 


A tapestry (as big as the palm of a hand) made by Lore Leudesdorff at Bauhaus, bread I made yesterday for a lunch with very dear friends (filled with vegetables and goatcheese) and the top of a museum in Paris seen from the Tour Eiffel

nice kitchens

The kitchen is such a nice place to be. Good talks, food, drinks. The first photo I found in the new issue of apartamento, the second one is a little painting I made last week, the third is an old kitchen from Bauhaus.  

November 04, 2013

Autumn in Paris

Beautiful colors in Paris this time of the year.. 
The weather was so nice, which was such a treat. After such nice days, it's hard to get used to these grey skies of autumn.

September 21, 2013

printers cabinet

Found this article in a Dutch magazine called "Eigen Huis" from 1973 about printers cabinets while I was strolling around at Neef Louis. 

June 30, 2013

scribbles and watercolor paint

Some drawings I made in the past few weeks... Happy that I'm still very much enjoying this after having been rejected from the academy. Need to find out how to continue. 

May 09, 2013

500 sweaters

Love this project by Christien Meindertsma. It's about a woman called Loes who knitted 500 sweaters that nobody ever wore. You should really watch the video, it makes you smile from ear to ear..

April 08, 2013


The upper photo I found through this site, the middle one I took in a little village in Italy, underneath our kitchen. 

March 26, 2013


I made this pot a year ago, to use for hanging plants. Unfortunately almost all the handles broke off..